
Jest to mały świat, Olsztyn Poland!

Google analytics is a double-edged sword.  When reviewing statistics for our little efforts here, we sometimes run across depressing trends -- oh the inglorious bounce rate!  If we were trying to sell something , we would get downright gloomy.

On the other hand, we discover some rather interesting things, too.  All the visitors from foreign countries (we're up to 26 nations now) usually only stick around for a short while, which is reasonable, given how much of what we write about is oriented towards gardening and raising backyard chickens in Texas.

We occasionally have visitors from other countries who stick around a bit longer, but we can almost always explain that behavior by remembering where our international assortment of friends are currently traveling -- France, Switzerland, England, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Chile, New Zealand and Turkey are all explained in such manner.  Everyone else in the world shows up on the front page, maybe reads one post, and then goes on their merry way.

This morning, however, we have discovered a visitor who intrigues us.  Someone from Olsztyn, Poland, logged on and read 12 full pages of Myrtle-mania.  We don't know anyone in Poland, nor even anyone who has informed us of an interest in visiting Poland.

This makes us curious.

A brief inspection of the summary of Olsztyn according to wiki reveals that it is a charming community with a lot of history, some of it probably bloodier than is hinted at in this article.  We are fascinated, too, by the notion of a "municipal forest".  We like that idea.  What further gets our attention is the fact that we don't have a readily available Polish translation feature on Blogspot; Hindi, yes, Polish, no.

Which means that whoever these intrepid Myrtle fans were, they most likely spoke (or at least read) English far better than we could hope to speak or read Polish.  Not surprising, given that multilingualism is far more common abroad than it is on our own shores.

We hope they are able to have backyard chickens in Olsztyn.  We may have to go there ourselves some time just to find out.

Happy farming!

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