
Singin' in the Rain

Our green, growing grove of great goodies never looks quite as nice as it does when it's wet.  And usually, it's wet for pretty much the entire month of May.  In College Station, we average about 5.5 inches of rainfall every May, and that is far and away more than we get in any other month.

Until today, however, we had gotten a total of (and I am estimating here, so forgive any rounding errors) zero inches of rain for May.  Zip.  Zilch.  Nada.

We're very, very glad to see the wet stuff falling from the skies this evening.  Very glad.

Myrtle doesn't think much of complainers, however, so we aren't complaining.  This extended dry period has provided us with plenty of opportunity to deepen the pond, and what little grass we have left in the yard hasn't needed mowing in a while, so that's a plus, too.

We're going to eliminate grass entirely this fall -- "green manure" crops will replace grass.  Red clover in the winter, white clover in the spring; we're quite hopeful that in addition to fixing nitrogen in our soil, it will be quite pretty.

Meanwhile, keep checking the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration web site for news about more wet stuff and...

Happy farming!
LangDetectzh>en GoogleDicC
having the colour of blood or fire, of the eyes, of the face, of hair or an animal's fur, having very left-wing political opinions, involving opposition or competition that is violent and without pity, something that is likely to make somebody very angry, the colour of blood or fire, red wine, a person with very left-wing political opinions, to owe money to your bank because you have spent more than you have in your account, to become very angry, Something that is , If you say that someone's face is , You describe someone's hair as

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