
A Chicken in Every Pot

We frequently encounter people who are "on the verge of chicken".  We also encounter a lot of people who are just on the verge, but that's a subject for another time.

This whole backyard chicken thing is a trend, and we can't really take credit for much of it, since most of the documentation we have read or cited for the ease with which chickens may be maintained in an urban environment comes from numerous folks who have done this gig before us.

Nonetheless, we are pleased and happy to help out with anybody who wishes to embark on a poultryful existence.  You want chickens, we'd be glad to help.  It's in the news all over the country -- usually on a slow news day, of course -- that people already have birds in the middle of town.  This article from the Burlington Express is a good case in point although anyone not familiar with Vermont's largest city might have assumed the entire state was one big barnyard.  Not true, but Myrtle can only hope they are working on it.  :^)

Meanwhile, closer to home, we are in the initial stages of putting together a Brazos Valley Backyard Chicken group of some sort, though we need a catchy name, among other things.  It's hard to get organized unless you sound like it's already a "thing".

So... anybody in the Brazos Valley who wants to get into the gig, we initially plan on having some sort of Fall festival similar to Austin's Funky Chicken Coop Tour, only, we'll be more forgiving of the use of maroon in the color scheme.

If you are interested, please email us and tell us your interest level; we are looking not only for people who already have birds, but also people who are just "on the verge".  We can help you navigate the city ordinances on chickens, and help you select the best breed for your family (we have an ongoing feud with an Ameraucana family; Myrtle is, of course, a Barred Rock), and we can give you a lot of advice about bedding, feeding, etc.

Maybe you don't want the chicken in your pot, but you really need her in your backyard, trust us!

Happy farming!


  1. "navigate the city ordinances on chickens"? Really? To heck with the city and all their Orwellian control of chickens. Revolt I tell you!!! Power to the poultry!!! The peace sign, American symbol of responsible socialist anarchy, truly is the foot print of the American (or Americauna) chicken.

  2. You, ah, really think posting anonymously is actually going to keep your identity secret? Be bold! Be brassy! Be Barred Rocky!

  3. The thing about anonymity is that it is just so easy. It is one click away. Besides, the moniker stands in place of mediocrity. Far better to be known by action, even if that action is but a lazy string of words on a monitor. You can be Barred Rocky, I will be the Amerikauna, anarchistic and oh so mysterious.
