"Ouch!" --The Proprietors of Big Myrtle's Place

We will say this on behalf of the plastic roof -- it stayed on through two hurricanes and three ice/snow storms. It lasted through the longest, hottest, driest summer on record, and it almost lasted through the torrential rains of an El Niño winter.
Plus, it kept out the raccoons and other predators who inhabit our neighborhood only slightly less thickly than political yard signs seem to these days. (One wonders, with all the "True Conservative" county constable candidates how many "Fake Conservatives" must be roaming the Brazos County courthouse, but we digress...)
We have managed, in one weekend, to swap out the plastic for the more tried-and-true heavy plywood. And it's a good thing it only took one weekend, too, because the hawks have been circling all day today. I think they viewed our activities as the prelude to the raptor equivalent of a blue-plate special at Luby's.
Next phase? Painting. We plan to go with a black, white and red motif, to show off the Barred Rockiness of the place. Once we reach a plateau of aesthetic quirkitude, we plan to organize a Brazos Funky Chicken Tour.
Next week: prepping the vegetable beds for Spring planting (in about two weeks!!!)
Until then,
Happy farming!
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