
On Being A Bird-Brain... "Crazy Like Us"

Indulge us for a moment. John Stewart is perhaps the finest interviewer in the news industry today, and he isn't even in the news industry. And Ethan Watters' new book, Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche examines something we at Myrtle's place care very deeply about -- namely, the commercialization of science. 

We have written before about scientists behaving pseudoscientifically on issues like distilled water as a potent potable, or again, poultry experts who refuse to admit Mother Nature knows more than they do.

The problem Watters highlights goes a step further; we have a scientific community that no longer does science; instead they do marketing.  Drug companies run the health industry, and so things like Armour Thyroid, which treats hypothyroidism better than manufactured Synthroid, are put by the wayside because of "quality control issues"; what are these issues?  No one can say.  And just mention isoflavanoids, and watch the doctors scramble to defend their pharmaceutical sponsors, rather than saying, "Yes, you are right.  Drinking fresh juice squeezed from healthy plants grown in your backyard does sound healthy."

We are, in short, a messed up medical culture; so hey, why not export our neuroses the same way we exported Madonna and Michael Jackson?

Anyway, here's the interview....

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Ethan Watters
Daily Show
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Go plant some herbs now, and eat right.

Happy farming!

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