
Lots of changes on the way!

We're changing the layout of the blog, which is only appropriate, given that we've changed the layout of the land (and house!) a lot over the course of the last few months.

The pond is a work in progress, but we've fenced it in, and will be planting mustang grapes and raspberries back there.

The privacy fence which turned into another grape fence is now backed up by a *real* fence built by our neighbors who were worried about their dogs getting loose.  Good for them!

We've cleared out a bunch more yaupon holly in the front yard, which has left room for more herbs; we're expanding our use of african basil next year; we've got lavender, curry icicle, sweet basil, thyme, oregano, and three different kinds of rosemary taking off in front, in addition to the grape tomatoes, cayenne peppers, banana peppers, pimiento peppers, and jalapeƱos.  And that's not even counting the blackberries, the loblolly pine tree, or the honesuckle we've planted up there in the past year!

So... lots of pictures to come.  We've also decided that since we were able to build rooms for our 10 year old daughter and our 6 month old son (converting a 1 bedroom house into a 3 bedroom house in the process!) we can jolly well build a roof for the chicken coop worthy of our prize hens.  Their current roof survived a hurricane, but let's face it, these ladies deserve better!

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